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Spooky & Delicious

Awesome aerial shot of the market on a sunny day! Photo by Chris Beebe


Just two markets left before we close up for the season! It's a scary thought. Thankfully there's nothing scary about getting out and enjoy the markets that remain to us. There's still tasty caramel apples from County Line Plants & Produce to bite into, bags of Farmer Johns' Cheese curds to squeakily eat and fresh baked Chris & Lori's Bakehousescones to enjoy as you stroll through the market. While we're celebrating Halloween this weekend, it's not too soon to stock up on supplies for Thanksgiving. Plenty of feast supplies are to be found, like cranberries from Wetherby Cranberry Co., roots from JenEhr Family Farm, sweet potatoes from Don's Produce and winter squash from Blue Moon Community Farm. It's gonna be a little cool for the penultimate market this weekend, but don't let that keep you from enjoying what's left of the 2017 season. We hope to see you Saturday, all bundled up and full of smiles. Bonus points if you come in costume!


Vendor Notices:

Urban Gourmet, Flyte Family Farm & Jordandal Farms have both finished vending for the season. They thank everyone for coming out this season! Due to an injury, Dolci Italian-American Sweetswill be unable to return to the market this season.

Oyster mushrooms from Herb n Oyster


Science is Fun & Fall Activities

Weather permitting, the Science is Fun crew will be back this Saturday for some more cool science demos!

We'll also be celebrating Halloween with mini-pumpkin and gourd decorating, sidewalk chalk and even some freebies for the little ones. As always, this fun event is free of charge and open to kids of all ages. Cauliflower from Natalie's Garden & Greenhouse


New WCM Market

Totes For Sale

We've got another batch of brand new reusable shopping totes available for sale up at the Information Tent. These bags are a great way to cut down on disposable plastic use all while celebrating the farmers' market. Totes are $2 each. Cash or check.


Session Three Vendor List:

Here's a helpful list of vendors who are signed up for Session Three (September 2nd - November 4th) of the 2017 season.

PLEASE NOTE: Not all vendors are present every week. Check the Vendor Notices section for known absences, added daily vendors, and vendors who've finished vending for the session.


Recipe Corner

Honey-Glazed Roasted Root Vegetables

(From Grace Parisi, Food & Wine - November 2007) Ingredients: - 1 1/4 pounds parsnips, peeled and sliced 1/2 inch thick - 1 1/4 pounds carrots, peeled and sliced 1/2 inch thick - 1 1/4 pound celery root—peeled, quartered and sliced 1/2 inch thick - 1 1/4 pounds golden beets, peeled and sliced 1/2 inch thick - 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil - 1/2 cup honey - 6 thyme sprigs - Salt and freshly ground pepper - 2 tablespoons sherry vinegar Directions: Preheat the oven to 425°. In a large bowl, toss the root vegetables with the oil, honey and thyme and season with salt and pepper. Divide between 2 large, sturdy rimmed baking sheets. Cover with foil and roast for 40 minutes, shifting the pans once, until the vegetables are tender. Remove the foil and roast for 10 minutes longer, until glazed. Return them to the bowl and stir in the vinegar then season with salt and pepper. Serve right away.

Pumpkin & Chicken Risotto

(From Baz321 & Genius Kitchen) Ingredients: - 2 cups arborio rice - 4 cups chicken stock, hot - 1 cup white wine - 3 tablespoons olive oil - 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped - 1 medium onion, finely chopped - 2 chicken breasts (Approx. 500g) - 2 cups pumpkin, chopped into 1 - 2cm cubes, depending on preference - 1⁄2 cup parmesan cheese, grated Directions:

1. Bake the pumpkin pieces in a 180C oven for 15 minutes and put aside. 2. Cook the chicken breasts (barbecue, grill, fry pan, poach, oven) until just cooked through and put aside. 3. After chicken has cooled a little, cut into 1 - 2 cm cubes depending on preference. (Alternatively, you can cut into cubes first and then stir-fry). 4. While doing steps 1 and 2, put the oil in a large saucepan on medium/hot and when heated, put the onions and garlic in and cook until onions begin to get soft - about 5 minutes. 5. Add the rice and stir until the grains start to swell and burst then reduce heat to low and add the cup of white wine. 6. Stir over low heat until the liquid has been absorbed. 7. Add, say, half a cup of the hot stock and keep stirring while the rice absorbs it. 8. Keep adding stock in this way, stirring constantly. 9. Just as the final liquid is being absorbed and rice is cooked (about 20 - 25 minutes), add the cooked cubed chicken and pumpkin and gently stir. 10. Remove from heat, stir in grated parmesan cheese, (add freshly ground black pepper if you like) and serve.

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