Vendor List & Links
2024 Vendors – all from Wisconsin, of course!
Please check our the websites and articles from our vendors for more information about their businesses.
Alice Good Coffee owned by Ralph Stern and Laura & Sara Serrato of Verona (https://alicegood.co/)
Alsum Sweet Corn owned by Scott & Lona Alsum of Randolph (www.alsumsweetcorn.com)
Atoms to Apples* owned by Rami Aburomia of Mount Horeb (www.facebook.com/Atomstoapples)
B's Honey owned by Brad & Elizabeth Moore of Mazomanie (https://www.facebook.com/bshoneyllc/)
B. Kurt Dairy owned by Bryanna & Dylan Handel of Barneveld (B. Kurt Dairy on Facebook)
Black Earth Valley owned by Dan Deneen from Mazomanie (“The Other Side of the Ocean” blog: http://ninacamic.blogspot.com/2006/08/happpy-birthday-to-you.html)
Blue Moon Community Farm* owned by Kristin Kordet from Stoughton ( http://www.bluemooncommunityfarm.com/)
Bonde Bee owned by Andy Bonde from Randolph (www.bondebee.com)
Bryant Family Farms owned by Nicholas Bryant of Mineral Point (https://www.facebook.com/bryant.familyfarms/)
Colos Olive Oil owned by Hamdi Douss of Milwaukee (https://www.great-lines.com.tn/)
Country Bloomers owned by Cheryl Mayr from DeForest (https://www.facebook.com/countrybloomersgreenhouse/)
County Line Plants & Produce owned by Bill and Kathy Mayr from DeForest (Email: countylinepp@icloud.com)
The Deliciouser of Madison (https://www.thedeliciouser.com)
Domann's Plants of Beaver Dam (https://domannsplants.com/)
Don's Produce owned by Mary Uselman of Arena
Door County Fruit Markets owned by James and Crystal Barnard from Egg Harbor (www.pickyourowndoorcountycherries.com)
Dreamfarm* owned by Diana Murphy from Cross Plains (http://www.dreamfarm.biz)
Emerald Meadows Family Farm* owned by Tim Zander & Becky Breda of Columbus (https://www.badgerorganics.farm/)
Ernie's African Kick Sauce owned by Sandra Morris of Madison (https://ernieskicksauces.com/)
Flyte Family Farm* owned by Carrie Flyte from Coloma (http://flytefamilyfarm.com)
Phil Friedl (The Cactus Guy) of Madison
Fungi Farmers (formerly Herb n' Oyster) owned by Joe & Kari Landis of Pardeeville (https://www.fungifarmers.com/)
Garden Gate Flowers owned by Emery Horning of Livingston
Gram & Gramp's Everbearing Strawberries of Columbus
Green Box Compost owned by Ben Stanger of Sun Prairie (https://www.withgreenbox.com/)
Green County Hemp owned by Brook Bartels and Scott Chalmers from Madison (https://greencountyhemp.com/)
Happy Valley Farm owned by Kevin Lucey from Black Earth
Highland Spring Farm owned by Kevin & Keely Oppermann of Oregon (www.highlandspringfarm.com)
Honey Bee Bakery owned by Mary White from Madison (http://www.honeybeebakery.org)
Hope and Hill Flower Co. owned by Rachel Banigan of Blanchardville (https://www.hopeandhillflowers.com/)
Kopke’s Fruit of the Bloom, Inc. owned by Kopke from Oregon (http://www.kopkesgreenhouse.com)
Inspired Alchemy owned by Aubree Saia of Madison (https://www.inspiredalchemy.org/)
JenEhr Family Farm* owned by Kay Jensen and Paul Ehrhart of Sun Prairie (https://jenehr.com/)
Landmark Creamery owned by Anna Landmark & Anna Thomas Bates of Paoli (https://landmarkcreamery.com/)
Live Jewelry Farm owned by Yimmauj Yang of Madison
Lor Farm owned by Kelly Lor of Sun Prairie
Madison Sourdough owned by Andrew Hutchison from Madison (http://www.madisonsourdough.com)
Murphy’s Farm owned by Cory Murphy from Soldiers Grove
Natalie’s Garden and Greenhouse owned by Natalie Ortega from Oregon (www.nataliesgardenandgreenhouse.com)
New Life Greens owned by Jessica Ricci of Verona (https://www.newlifegreensco.com/)
Noellie's Deli owned by Noelle Koontz of Madison
Open Kettle Farms Maple Syrup owned by Tim & Jan Noll of Cross Plains
Perez Produce owned by Armando Flores Perez of Madison (https://www.instagram.com/perezproducee/?hl=en)
Pleasant Springs Orchard owned by Aaron Ravenscroft from Stoughton (http://pleasantspringsorchard.com/)
Rude Brew Kombucha owned by Lacy Rude of Madison (https://www.rudebrewkombucha.com/#eat-together)
Sai's Garden owned by Sai & Pai Vang of Sun Prairie
Savory Accents owned by Ted & Joan Ballweg of Verona (www.savoryaccents.com)
Stella’s Bakery owned by Winzenried from Madison (http://www.stellasofmadison.com/home)
Steppin' Out Foods owned by Phil & Jeanne Esche from Waukesha (https://www.steppinoutfoods.com/)
Sugar River Vineyard owned by Thomas & Giovanna Jefferies of Madison
Tend Native Plants owned by Sarah Savage of Blue Mounds (https://www.tendnativeplants.com/)
Ten Eyck Orchard of Brodhead (www.teneyckorchard.com)
Ka Vang Thao from Madison
Tortillas Los Angeles owned by Angel Flores & Leticia Torres of Madison (https://www.wisconsinlife.org/story/mexican-couple-grow-corn-make-authentic-tortillas/)
Urban Gourmet Family Farm owned by Jason & Tasha Bynum from Waterloo (https://www.facebook.com/madurbangourmet/)
Shoua L. Vang from Deforest
West Star Organics* owned by George Kohn from Pleasant Springs/Madison (https://www.weststarorganics.com/)
Wetherby Cranberry Co. owned by Nodji VanWychen from Warrens (http://www.freshcranberries.com)
Yang Family Produce owned by Thae Yang from Madison
Yellow Dog Deli owned by Carolyn Robb-McDonald from Evansville (https://yellowdogdeli.com/)
* Designates vendors with certified organic offerings