Volunteer with the Market
Share your enthusiasm for the Westside Community Market by volunteering with us. Look below for email or phone number to contact the Market Manager to discuss how your interests coordinate with market tasks. Feel free to also use the web contact form to reach the WCM. Some efforts require attendance on market Saturdays, usually for two-hour shifts. Other jobs can be done on a more flexible schedule at your convenience.
Volunteers are essential for us to facilitate the FoodShare program. This initiative, funded in part by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, allows the Westside Community Market to accept FoodShare dollars (formally known as FoodStamps) for the purchase of fresh, local produce, cheese, meats, breads, and other food items, even plants for the garden that produce food. This is an exciting time, opening the doors for more families and individuals in Madison to access the best products our farmers and food artisans can offer.
We can’t do this alone though. We need you! We need friendly faces to welcome folks to the market, help folks exchange FoodShare dollars for WCM dollars and direct folks to the products they’re after. A few hours a month really helps the market remain a high functioning and enjoyable market. Please consider spending some of your Saturdays with us. With free coffee and the best products from Wisconsin at your fingertips, what better way could you spend the day?
Interested in helping the market?
Market Manager Ben Zimmerman
Email: manager.wcm@gmail.com
Phone: 608-628-8879

Longtime market volunteers Gladys, Sue & Jill