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A Farewell to Another Great Season

JenEhr Family Farm had plenty of great produce to offer for our final market


A Farewell to Another Great Season

We squeezed in one last chance to enjoy the outdoor farmers' market season this past Saturday and now the time has come at last to call it a season.

Blessed with thirty-one glorious weeks, 2021 was another successful season for the WCM and we'd like to take some time to reflect and offer thanks to everyone who made it possible this year.

Firstly, to our vendors, we tip our caps for all the hard work on the farms, in the greenhouses, in the production kitchens and out at the market each Saturday. You all bring us the fruits of your labor, often literally, and we cannot be more grateful for those efforts to keep us well nourished with local food and more.

Next to our gracious hosts, UW Health, we say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for giving us a space to make it all happen. The entire UROW community has been so welcoming over these last five years and we are grateful to be a part of it. An extra nod to EVP Coffee for keeping us all alert those early mornings with great brew and kind staff to greet us.

Behind the scenes we want to give thanks to the WCM Board of Directors for guiding us through another COVID season, and helping to keep the ship sailing throughout the pandemic.

We also want to give thanks to the market volunteers for the assistance at the Information Tent. With their help we were able to mark a record year for FoodShare & Double Dollars distributions. In the same vein, we'd like to thank the Community Action Coalition of South Central Wisconsin for facilitating the Double Dollars program for not only the WCM, but all participating Madison area markets.

In the end the most praise must be given up to you all, our shoppers and supporters. The amazing patronage of our community throughout the pandemic has been such a solid reminder of the good in us all. People coming together to support local foods in our own neighborhood is what being a community market is all about. We'll miss you all dearly over the winter, but we have no doubts that the connection will continue next spring.

Before we send you off, we encourage you to check the list below for winter markets and purchasing options from our vendors. Even with the market closed, the local food options remain strong.

We'll be back at it starting April 16th, 2022 at the same location behind UW Digestive Health Center ready to spend another season of Saturdays with you. Till then, we wish you all a relaxing winter season and once again give our thanks for your support!

See you April 16, 2022 at market!

Ben Zimmerman

Market Manager

P.S. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram


One final chance for McCluskey Brothers' cheese curd



There are many players cast for each years market that are essential, from vendors, volunteers, community supporters and all our wonderful customers. Let's give an extra round of applause to all those who made the 2021 production of the Westside Community Market a success.

Market Staff, Volunteers & Double Dollars Program Support:

- Katie O'Connell-Jones & Willy Street Co-op, Double Dollars Program

- Joseph Accomando, Market Staff & Support

- Barry Orton, All around assistance, planning support & advisor

- Kristen Kordet, Planning support & advisor

- Alma Horlock & The Community Action Coalition for South Central Wisconsin, Double Dollars Program

- Mary Zimmerman, Newsletter editing

- Sue Brown, Information Tent

- Kathy Peck, Information Tent

Market Haulers:

- Blue Moon Community Farm

- Highland Spring Farm

- JenEhr Family Farm


- The Market Ramblers

- Starr Grass Band

The WCM Board of Directors:

- Kevin Oppermann, President, Highland Spring Farm

- Mary White, Vice President, Honey Bee Bakery

- John Shadle, Secretary, Community Board Member, SAS Institute, Inc.

- Tasha Bynum, Treasurer, Urban Gourmet

- Diana Murphy, Dreamfarm

UW Health, Digestive Health Center & University Row

- Mary Evers-Statz, Director of Energy Management & Sustainability

- Amy Nelson, Category Manager, Procurement Services

- Paul Lenhart, President & CEO, Krupp General Contractors

- Michelle Fargen, Property Manager, Krupp General Contractors


Winter Market Options:

From special orders to indoor winter markets, check out the list below for options of accessing our vendors' products over the winter months. Feel free to email Market Manager Ben if you're looking to connect with any vendor not listed.

Dane County Farmers' Market:

Holiday Market:

Saturdays - November 20th, December 4th & 18th

7:30am - 12:00pm

Late Winter Market:

Saturdays, January 8 thru April 9, 2022

8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Participating WCM Vendors include:

- Black Earth Valley

- Don's Produce

- Farmer Johns' Cheese

- Fungi Farmers

- Murphy Farms

- Savory Accents

- Stella's Bakery

- Wetherby Cranberry Co.

& More

Madison Farmers Unite:

Madison Farmers Unite is a weekly Saturday pickup offering featuring local farmers' market vendors. Customers can order an array of fresh products by each Thursday for the Saturday pickup. Current participating Westside Community Market vendors include: B's Honey, County Line Plants & Produce, Emerald Meadows Family Farm, Don's Produce, Dreamfarm, Fungi Farmers, Honey Bee Bakery, Savory Accent, & Wetherby Cranberry Company.

Bryant Family Farms :

Bryant Family Farms offers Madison area deliveries on Fridays, orders must be placed by midnight Wednesdays. On-farm pickup also available on Mondays/Fridays. Place your order via their online store. They are currently offering a deal on a pack of 6 whole chickens for those with freezer space to spare. They also have French Guinea Fowl, a few remaining turkeys, whole French Label Rouge & smoked turkey breast (bone in) ready for holiday dinners.

County Line Plants & Produce:

County Line Plants & Produce still has a great selection of winter squash available for purchase. Interested shoppers can contact farmer Cathy via phone at 608-513-9970 and are encouraged to leave a message.

Highland Spring Farm Pickup:

Highland Spring Farm, located just south of Madison, will offer on-farm Saturday pickup from 10:00am - noon, throughout the winter, with the exception of the week of Christmas when pickup will be moved to Wednesday, the 22nd. Orders are due the day prior to pickup. Check their webstore for product offerings and ordering information.

Landmark Creamery:

Landmark Creamery offers two great ways to get their product over the winter months. Take a swing down to their brick & mortar shop in Paoli, open Fridays, noon-6pm, Saturdays, 10am-6pm and Sundays 11am-3pm. Customers can also order via their webstore and in gratitude for their WCM shoppers, they're offering a $5 discount for orders of $50 or more through December 7th with the code WCMTHANKYOU.

ParKelm Farm Delivery:

ParKelm Farm will be offering free Saturday delivery throughout the winter with a $30 minimum order. Visit their webstore for more information. They also offer shipping for their products.

Milwaukee Winter Farmers' Market

Saturdays, Nov. 6th - April 9th (no markets Nov. 27, Dec 25 or Jan 1)

8:00am - 11:30pm

WCM vendors include Savory Accents, Steppin' Out Foods and Wetherby Cranberry Company.


2022 Season Schedule

Saturdays April 16th - November 12th 7:00am - 12:30pm Located at:

UW Health Digestive Health Center 750 University Row

*Please note this is the tentative schedule, market dates subject to change.



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