Looking Forward to Filling Up

Chili Jam from Savory Accents
Looking Forward to Filling Up
It's getting close to that market time again when there's simply too much to take home in one visit.
The new produce arrivals are all so delicious looking that it's tempting to try to make it all work with one week's worth of meals.

That must have feeling is found in the first field ripened Black Krim tomatoes from Black Earth Valley, perfect for sandwiches or sliced with a dash of salt & pepper. It's also seen in the mountains of fresh beans from Yang Family Produce, eaten fresh, sautéed or whipped up into a batch of classic dilly beans.
The produce overload begins this weekend with the first of Farmer Paul's organic sweet corn (pictured) from JenEhr Family Farm. Better get out early if you're hoping to take some home, otherwise you can look forward to July 17th when Alsum Sweet Corn will return to the WCM.
Speaking of returns, we're looking forward to seeing our friends from Door County Fruit Markets again in 2021, after missing them and their great sweet cherries last season. Both they and Pleasant Springs Orchard are hoping to return in the next week or two and add more fresh fruit to the lineup of July offerings. We're also excited to announce Country Bloomer's Greenhouse will be making a special visit this weekend with some annuals and the first lisianthus flowers.
While fresh produce and fruit tend to hog the spotlight this time of year, there's an abundance of other great market finds you won't want to miss out on. Bryant Family Farms will delight us again this week with their fresh chicken from their pastured poultry. From wings to boneless skinless breast, they offer plenty of culinary options, even whole birds for grilling (pictured).

As you head out to market this weekend, in addition to the plethora of great market finds, you'll notice we condensed our layout slightly to add some more easy parking for our shoppers. Check out the Vendor Notices section below to familiarize yourself with the new placement for some of our vendors.
See you at market!
Ben Zimmerman
Market Manager
Vendor Notices:
New Vendor Layout:
Starting July 10th, the market layout will condense slightly by eliminating the third row in the upper parking lot. Those vendors who were located in the aisle closest to University Row will be relocated into the four remaining aisles. Take a look at the map & lineup below to find them in their new homes. The following vendors will be moved:
Bryant Family Farms: Stall #38 (Upper Lot West Side)
Forgotten Valley Cheese: Stall #9 (Lower Lot West Side)
Honey Bee Bakery: Stall #41 (Upper Lot West Side)
Ka Vang Thao: Stalls #60 & 61 (Upper Lot East Side)
Sai's Garden: Stalls #51 & 52 (Upper Lot East Side)
Tortillas Los Angeles: Stall #22 (Lower Lot East Side)
What Got Gathered: Stall #21 (Lower Lot East Side)

Steppin' Out Foods is looking for someone to work their market booth on Saturday, July 17th. The one-day job pays $65/cash and those interested can reach out to Phil & Jeanne Esche via email or stop by their market stand this weekend.

Mad Maiden Shrub Gift Box Set
July 10 Vendor List:
Black Earth Valley
Blue Moon Community Farm
Bonde Bee
Bryant Family Farms
Campo di Bella
Chris + Lori's Bakehouse
Country Bloomer's Greenhouse
County Line Plants-n-Produce
Don's Produce
Emerald Meadows Family Farm
Farmer Johns Cheese
Flyte Family Farm & Greenhouses
Forgotten Valley Cheese
Fungi Farmers
Happy Valley Farm
Highland Spring Farm
Honey Bee Bakery
JenEhr Family Farm
Ka Vang Thao
Landmark Creamery
Live Jewelry Farm
Lor FarmMadison Sourdough
Mad Maiden Shrub
McCluskey Brothers Shillelagh Glen Farms
Murphy Farms
Natalie's Garden and Greenhouse
Open Kettle Farms
ParKelm Farm
Sai's Garden
Savory Accents
Shoua Lee Vang
Stella's Bakery
Steppin' Out Foods
Tortillas Los Angeles
Underground Meats
Urban Gourmet
What Got Gathered
Yang Family Produce
*Please note this is a tentative list. Last minute cancellations or additions to the vendor list are possible.
