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Almost Summer

A beautiful sunrise before the rain moved in last Saturday


Almost Summer

The last week of school is here, rumors of strawberries are heard and the sun pops its head out well before many of us wake for the day. All signs that we are on the doorstep of summer.

As welcome as the early mornings, we rejoiced to have Flyte Family Farms return to the market last weekend with a great selection of potatoes, asparagus, jams, salsas, and hydroponic cucumbers & tomatoes (pictured).

Early June is also gracing us with a growing selection of floral and ornamental starts for your home garden, such as dahlias from Natalie's Garden & Greenhouse and vegetative coleus from Domann's Plants (both pictured).

Speaking of planting, we are excited to announce the return of the Master Gardeners to the market to assist you with all your horticultural inquiries. They'll join us this Saturday and tentatively plan on returning on the first market in July as well. We've missed them during the last two seasons and know their return will be much appreciated by all our gardening market goers.

This weekend we'll also be welcoming edibleMADISON from 9am - 11am for the launch of their summer issue. In celebration, they'll be doing a honey tasting, as well as providing education on promoting pollinators in your home garden. You can pick up the latest issue while you're there, or swing by the Info Tent any week during the season to grab the newest edition.

Before we see you all bright and early Saturday morning, we'd like share the news of the first strawberries of the season coming in this Saturday from Live Jewelry Farm. We don't expect them to last long for week one, so get yourself up with the sun if you're hoping to bring some home. Worry not though, we hope to see many more over the coming weeks.

See you at market!

Ben Zimmerman

Market Manager

P.S. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram


Market Notices: June 11th

Swing by the Info Tent and pick up a free Westside Community Market yard sign, or grab one set out in the aisle.

Live Jewelry Farm, Rude Brew Kombucha & Country Bloomer's Greenhouse will join us this weekend as daily vendors.

Urban Gourmet will be absent from the market this Saturday, June 11th. They will return on June 18th.

West Star Organics has finished vending for the 2022 season. They'd like to thank their customers and look forward to returning next season.

The Double Dollars program returned June 4th. FoodShare shoppers can get up to $25 matched each week through October.

From Blue Moon Community Farm:

"Blue Moon Community Farm is taking a market break! We'll be at market this Saturday June 11, and then will be back in late July. In the meantime you can find all of our produce at our Farm Stand at the farm Wednesdays 3-7pm! Visit our website for each week's offerings at

Thank you for your support!"


Farm & Market Job Openings

Whether you're looking for something part-time or more involved, working for one of the market vendors is always a rewarding experience. Delicious produce as a job perk? Yes please!

County Line Plants & Produce, north of Deforest, is hiring for a field position this season. Contact farmer Cathy via email at

Emerald Meadows Family Farm, outside of Columbus, is hiring for their field crew this season, which includes working some market Saturdays at the WCM. Check out their website here for more info, including how to apply.


Nice bouquets of peony, iris and chive flowers from Yang Family Produce


Our many thanks to Snaggle Tooth Arts of Wayward Tattoo for the market rabbit graphic!


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