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Jamming in Berryland

Yummy green beans from Yang Family Produce


Jamming in Berryland

Between the seemingly endless bouts of rain, we've been lucky enough to experience some of the joys of late June this year, at least where fresh produce is concerned.

Market tables are filling up with green beans, sugar snap & snow peas, and leafy greens like kale, chard and bok choi. It's the perfect time of year to make a fresh salad every day with your market finds. For that extra special touch, grab some micro-greens from New Life Greens to top things off.

Strawberry season is drawing to a close, raspberry season is getting into full swing, and thanks to JenEhr Family Farm, blueberry season will begin this weekend! Grab a pint of your favorite berry and try out this tasty freezer jam recipe.

If you're in the mood to try something new, swing by the Savory Accents booth and grab a bag of their Spicy Beer Bread mix (pictured). Perhaps you'll have a can of beer left after the upcoming 4th of July celebrations to make it with too.

For the cheddar cheese, stop by B. Kurt Dairy's booth and while you're there try out their crunchy vacuum-dried cheese curds (pictured). These delicious morsels make the perfect snack for at home or on the go, richer and more satisfying than a regular cheese cracker.

Beyond the arrival of blueberries, we've got some other exciting returns this weekend. Up first, we are happy to announce the return of Pecatonica Valley Farm. After several years away, they'll return with a great selection of pork, chicken and burger.

Also popping in this weekend are Country Bloomers Greenhouse and Phil Friedl (the Cactus Guy), bringing in fresh flowers and a variety of succulents, respectively.

The many great additions this weekend will pad out our already wonderful lineup of favorites, like fresh eggs from Murphy Farms, pasture-raised beef from Highland Spring Farm and the classic goat cheese options (pictured) from Dreamfarm.

This is hopefully our last week with the repaving setup so just as a reminder customers can park along Charmany Drive as well as in the large Exact Sciences parking lot at 501 Charmany Drive, across the street from the south entrance (see map below).

Until market, stay dry, write out those shopping lists and we'll see you bright and early Saturday morning.

See you at market!

Ben Zimmerman

Market Manager

As a reminder to everyone, dogs are prohibited within the market area, though we welcome service animals at all times.

P.S. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram 


Market Lot Repaving

The parking lot aisles where the market is held will undergo repaving starting June 10th. During the 3-weeks the work is being done, the market will relocate to the eastern three aisles in the same lot and the western aisles and entrances will be closed to traffic. We anticipate this to affect the markets on June 15th, 22nd, & 29th.

Customers will still be able to park along Rosa Road, Charmany Drive and also utilize the large parking lot just across the street behind Exact Sciences on Charmany Drive as well. The market will return to our normal placement within the MG&E Innovation Center lot once the work is completed.


 Vendor & Weekly Market Notices

Daily Vendors - Saturday, June 29th:

Country Bloomers Greenhouse

JenEhr Family Farm

Phil Friedl (The Cactus Guy)

The Deliciouser

Blue Moon Community Farm are currently on their early-summer market hiatus. They will return to vend with their tasty certified organic produce later in July.

There is an ongoing GoFundMe campaign to aid the family of Kenny Jasengou, son of Kelly Lor of Lor Farm as Kenny currently fights for his life after multiple surgeries related to a damaged heart and aortic valve stemming from a bacterial blood infection. A father of 5 and all around kind person, Kenny has been a long time friendly face of the market, aiding his mom over the years selling flowers and produce. Those interested in donating can find more information here.



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