Warm Ups

Nothing quite signals the return of market season like the squeak of fresh Murphy Farms cheese curds.
Warm Ups
One market in the books, dozens more to go in the 2022 season.
We started with a rather cold opening market this year, but as anyone who has lived here long enough can tell you, there's just no predicting April weather in Wisconsin.

Despite the brisk temps, we had ourselves a lovely opening market full of those special finds that make crawling out of bed early on a Saturday morning well worth it.
The earliest market goers had a chance to grab a bag of that sweet spinach from Black Earth Valley (pictured), a great sign of all the delicious greens to come.
Many shoppers could be seen loading up on staples, like Bryant Family Farm eggs, fresh baguettes from Madison Sourdough, and jars of maple syrup from McCluskey Brothers Shillelagh Glen Farms.

JenEhr Family Farm delighted many with their stored carrots in a variety of colors (pictured), with all the flavor and crunch one can expect.
While the cold weather kept away our plant vendors this past weekend, it's a different story for the Saturday ahead. With forecasted temps in the 70's, we can expect more vendors and plenty of starts to get your lawn and garden going.
The early weeks of market season are like spring training for customer and vendor alike, the warm up laps for those marathon days of mid-summer. So come on out and stretch those legs, as you load up market totes and build the muscle for watermelons and flats of strawberries to come.
See you at market!
Ben Zimmerman
Market Manager

In Memoriam
It's truly the people who make our market community great, and we'd like to recognize one of those gems, Gladys Hartwig, who passed away at 96 on January 29th.

Gladys was a long time market volunteer, who aided us at the Information Tent over the years. Always with a smile upon her face, Gladys was there to lend a hand, answer a question and share many a story.
A southern Wisconsin native, Gladys grew up in the Belleville area and relocated to Madison in the 70's. Of the many experiences that colored her life, we are especially grateful that she devoted many a Saturday morning to spending time with us and aiding us at the market. She will be missed by all, and especially those whose hearts were lifted just by her presence.
Our many thanks to you Gladys.
With love,
The Westside Community Market

Our many thanks to Snaggle Tooth Arts of Wayward Tattoo for the market rabbit graphic!